n. 정밀조사, 철저한 검토
careful, detailed examination or inspection
동의어: careful examination, inspection, study, investigation, research, check, analysis
반의어: glance(대충 흝어보다), cursory(대충하는) look
scrutinize | v. 세심히 살피다 |
make a scrutiny into | ~을 자세히 살피다 |
put something under scrutiny | ~을 세밀히 조사하다 |
"Scrutiny is when you look at something really closely, like when you are checking a text for mistakes. Scrutiny can also be an intense look, like when your mother looks at you - trying to tell if you might be lying." (출처)
Among the industries contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, the industry has faced increased scrutiny and the need for effective measures to reduce its environmental footprint.
- Greenhouse gas emission(온실가스 배출물)에 기여하는 산업들 중에서,
- 그 산업은 직면해 왔다/ 증가하는 정밀조사와 요구에 / 환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이기 위한 효과적인 조치를 위한
- measure: n. (특정 목적을 달성하기 위한) 조치[정책]
- environmental footprint 환경에 (악영향을 미친) 족적, 환경 파괴 범위
인터넷 영어사전 - 네이버, 옥스포드, 캠브리지
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